June 23, 2010

W.I.P. Wednesday Update

I painted the stairwell to the upstairs yesterday.  It took me 3 years to get around to it.  I labored and struggled and had to creatively tape the paint brush to the roller extension rod to get the edging along the ceiling because I am short and afraid of falling down the stairs to my death.  My daughter even helped and cleaned up all her drips on the carpeting.  I expected a fanfare when I was done, maybe a ticker-tape parade. Horns, bugles, kazoos, something.  There was nothing but the sound of "Arthur" from the living room.  My husband didn't even say "good job" or "thanks for doing that".  I got nada.  My sons, who are with my ex- for 2 weeks told me that I "rock" in a text message, but that was it.  Hmph.

I sold my first pattern on Ravelry yesterday:  Barbie's Lace Sundress (see yesterday's post or visit me at Ravelry).  Now I'm worried that, though I painstakingly wrote the pattern, stitch by stitch, row by row and I knit the darned thing, the person who bought the pattern will say that it is full of mistakes.  I worry about dumb stuff. But still, I'm all giddy about it!

I am not giddy about the fact that the being on the "No Call" list for telemarketing doesn't seem to be working lately.  It isn't even 8:30 and the phone has already begun to ring.

But it's W.I.P. Wednesday, and since I worked my tail off yesterday (there were WAY more chores to do than just the painting), I am taking most of today to get back on track with the knitting.  I think that I will work on Dillon's sweater because I am almost to the base of the armpit, where I will join and knit the body.  Won't that be fun!  And I haven't spun any since my last disappointing spinning project over a week ago.  Maybe some spinning this afternoon.  I'm thinking about joining the Ravelry Tour de Fleece for July.  Not sure I can spin every day for three weeks.

I don't have any updated pictures of Dillon's sweater right now, but I have some lovely garden pictures.  Get 'em while they last because my beds have informed me that if this heat keeps up, I will have nothing left but red clay and weeds.


  1. Oh yeah. Once that skylight of mine is all installed, it's going to become painfully apparent how badly our stairwell needs to be repainted! Ugh.

  2. The flowers which are given at the end are very nice and looking very beautiful.

  3. Tips you have provided are so practical that any one can apply to these and can have the fun in the life.


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