Since I haven't posted about all the summer list items that have been checked off, I thought I would share a few that had been done in the last two weeks:
* 6 quarts of organic Georgia Peach jam done
* 2 ballerina skirts for The Princess Foundation (plus Rocket made one for herself by herself) done

* 1/2 of the trim in the house painted (1/2 done)
* New bed sets for all of the kids (that involves a lot of laundry!) done
* All of the kittens given flea baths (that took mom & 3 kids because those babies are wiggly!!!)
* Canning Garlic Dill pickles and pickled veggies done
* Swing (the cardi sweater for which I designed a pattern and then couldn't find buttons to save my soul!) done, washed, blocked, and ready for its reveal tomorrow.
* Swap package sent to my swap partner (Rav: Yarn Lover's Swap) for my first swap ever done (can't wait for her to tell me she received it so I can show off the skein that I hand-painted for her!)
* Garden weeded (that was a job! I let it go for two weeks and could barely find it among all the barn yard grass!)
* Learned to card fleece
* Finished the first 203 yards of the Corriedale top that I started spinning with my drop spindle in May.
* Frogged the fair isle socks and the Coral Columns sweater that I was working on, tore them out, and got all of that yarn rewound and re-labeled
* Hand-dyed and Hand-painted more yarn for my Etsy store
* Figured out how to use Google Web Analytics for my Etsy store
* Knit another 6 inches on the body of Dillon's Reconstruction Sweater (5 inches to go and it's on to the sleeves!)
* Knit another two rounds on the lace scarf
* Knit the wrist bands for Honey's motorcycle man gloves (going to try to finish those today)
* CO again for the 2-at-a-time, toe-up socks and knit to about 1/2 way through the instep
* Learned how to wash "virgin" fleece
On tap for today is just knitting, knitting, knitting, and washing/drying a few ounces of the 25 "virgin" ounces of alpaca that have been sitting in the knitting room for about a month, taunting me. This will be a true kitchen experiment involving a salad spinner and a window screen. And when it's dry, I'm going to card it with some soy silk. I haven't decided whether to dye or not to dye. Even unwashed it's a pretty camel color, and I might just stick with that.
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