It's been a busy week so far in the knitting department, but it seems as if I haven't made much progress on anything at all. There have been a few small accomplishments to note, however. I managed to get through the first 24-row repeat on the Shalimar shawl that I began about three weeks ago.
That doesn't seem like much, unless you've attempted this pattern yourself and had to rip out and re-knit a few rows about 90 times each or, say, dropped a stitch on
row 6 with purl-through-the-back-loops and a gazillion yarn overs (and every row before that has those) and your dropped stitch unravels itself
five rows in the wrong direction. (insert dramatic pause) Somehow I managed to work that stitch up to its proper place through all of the ssk, yo, pb2tog stitches. We won't talk about just how
LONG that took to do, but let's suffice to say that if this knitting instructor had followed her own instructions and put in a life line, this catastrophic event would never have taken place! (I do feel a little like a knitting superhero for having been able to fix it, though, wink, wink.)
The green silk Lila scarf has made it to 24 inches after a few days of carpool line knitting. I've discovered that I can get this same 3-ply silk noil yarn from my supplier, so look for my own collection of color ways in this yarn that knits up like a dream in April.
Despite a two-day hiatus because I was waiting for the rest of my yarn order to show up, I've almost made it through the yoke on my top-secret seamless cabled sweater project. The hands are getting tired and are full of complaints today from working with worsted wool on US 6 needles for the last week, so the needles aren't exactly moving at record speed. I'd really expected to be done with the yoke and onto the body by now. It looks like raspberry in the photo, but it's really such a dark wine color that I had to lighten it so that y'all could see it.

And who knew that it would take 3 hours today for the stars to align long enough for me to get a decent 3-minute video recorded of myself for my application for Skacel's The Fiber Factor competition? If it wasn't the dog wanting in, out, or on my lap it was the trash truck, the recycling truck, and the power company crew with their total annihilation tree trimmer mixing up a pretty obnoxious soundtrack. I don't know how video bloggers do it!! Anyway, all 10 parts of the application have been submitted and maybe I'll hear back from the selections committee. Maybe not. Fingers crossed.
And last but not least, I was finally able to get more of the base yarn for my Rocket Sock line, and it's going to be a stay-inside-and-dye kind of weekend, weather-wise, so look for some new colorways early next week.
Until then, be grateful for the little knitting victories in your life!