First of all, I would just like to say that I MET ANNA ZILBOORG! Not only that, but I have an autographed mittens-to-socks book, had my picture taken with her, and was treated to an in-person explanation of how to turn double-stranded mittens into double-stranded socks. How awesome is that?!
And now about the rest of the weekend ...
My mom and I went to the Stitches South 2012 convention this past weekend. We've been anxiously awaiting this weekend for a year. After the awesome experience of last year's convention, we were super excited about taking all day on Friday for the market--something we wished we had done last year. And you know what? We were SO DISAPPOINTED!! Almost none of last year's major vendors were there; no Mission Falls, no Yarnmarket, no Webs, no Crystal Palace, no Ravelry! Craftsy was there, and that was the highlight of our Friday market experience as we were given free t-shirts, bags, and a FREE CLASS ON CRAFTSY! WOOHOO! Every vendor that was there had only a few pidly things, pretty much all winter colors that they hadn't been able to sell over the winter--LOTS of remnants from last season with not many skeins and not much to choose from. Some vendors had maybe 25 skeins of yarn in their booths--one had that much and a couple batts of fiber and that's all folks--or they had specialty yarn like muskox that was $80 for 200 yards. I have been holding off on knitting something with last year's possum yarn because I wanted to get another skein or two this year, but even Fantail Fibers was missing from the vendors list.
And you know what was the worst part? Everyone had cotton. I don't mean they had some cotton and then they had other fiber varieties of yarn, I mean the only thing they had was cotton. Cotton, cotton, cotton. If I want to purchase cotton, I'll go to Walmart. You know?
Anyway, here's what I took home with me between two days of market time:
3 skeins of hand painted silk from Dragonfly Fibers |
an autographed copy of this awesome book |
And that's it. Last year I spent $400 in two days. This year I spent $67. I mean it. It was a sad weekend for yarn lovers throughout the South.